Saturday, December 15, 2007

Individual action

In United Arab Emirates government can help global warming by force all families to have no more than one car, so we are reduce the CO2 in the air. Also force all families to plant trees in their garden. Another idea to help global warming is to make one day a week or even a month that no body can use his car. It may take longer but this will make people exercise. My individual action is plant trees, drive my car much less than now, give an idea to merge the factory that produce similar products. Finally, advise people and warn them about global warming.


KhaLeD Bin DaiBaN said...

I think its impossible to make each family to use one car.

Mohamed Al Marzouqi said...

your idea is good to redue the pollution, but do think the citizens will accept this plans.

Master of Disaster said...


if the government forve the families .. people will accept it.

this my thinking way.

there is no another wa to reduce pollution.

Master of Disaster said...


people like to do what they want do and this will damage the earth more.

chairman must say something for this prblem.

i hope it make sence for you.