Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sea level rising (specific effect):

The most important effect that can be seen is flooding. The temperature of the global warming melts the ice and rise the sea level, raising the sea level expands the oceans, waves will affected by changing water level, increase in wave height will effected by increase the depth and the resulting of height wave will attack and causes land loss. Global climate change will have an impact in the medium to long-term. Flooding of coastal areas could become a problem as sea levels rise from polar ice cap melting and thermal expansion. Flooding of low-lying areas in Abu Dhabi Emirate could lead to:
• Increased salinity in coastal aquifers.
• Increased soil salinity.


Anonymous said...

do u think people will live in islands .... like the movie waterworld :P

Master of Disaster said...

in my opinion a lot of aslands will disappear becuase of the floods, melting ice and hurricans

this will cut out the lands and kill people.

KhaLeD Bin DaiBaN said...

Hi Ghdayerenho :),

mmmm, how can people how lives in island face the increasing of sea level ?

Saeed Al_Katheeri said...

you have a nice blog and why you choose the sea level rising from other effects?

Master of Disaster said...

khaled ...

people can live in island for a phase or while then it will disappear from what i see of global warming effects.


Master of Disaster said...

thanks you.

i choose sea level rising because in my opinion it the most important effects.

we should foucs on it bucause world while disapear on day.

in addition you know some island had disappeared because of floods.